3 must-do’s to grow your email list now.

One of the most important things to have is a high-quality and preferrably big email list. If you want to grow your business, growing your email list should be your top priority before anything else, no matter what.

“How can I grow my email list?” is one of the most repeated questions I get from people. I understand. Email list-growing is critical to having an efficient and well-functioning business, but for a lot of entrepreneurs a real pain.

Let’s dig in what to do. But first, let’s have a look at why it’s so important again to build your email list.

Your own asset

So why should growing your email list be your top priority? Well, because email is the most used means of communication! It’s by far more popular than any social media platform. Also, having a big email list of your own means you’re not reliant solely on social media.

Higher conversions

Emails tend to get more conversions (opens, clicks etc) than any other social media platform. The average Facebook post is said to reach just over 5 percent of your followers (source: wearesocial.com).

What, only 5%?? Yes. In the past, posting a link on your Facebook or Instagram page could drive hundreds of clicks. Not any more. Reaching your audience on social media is harder than ever before.

The average Facebook post is said to reach just over 5 percent of your followers (source: wearesocial.com).

Now the good news is you can do a LOT of things to grow your email list. In this article I will dig into 3 vital must-do’s. The idea is for you to implement it right away!

OK. Let’s go!

Attract the right people.

Before you do anything in order to grow your email list, make sure everything will be set up to attract the RIGHT people.

You can have a well-structured website filled with great and helpful content, you can as well have the best offer there is in your industry, but if you aren’t getting enough of the right people to your website, your email list won’t grow.

What do I mean by the “right” people? Those people that you are passioned about to serve, who will help you fulfill your mission, those who are looking for the solutions you offer and who are willing and able to pay the investment to work with you. Yes, your ideal clients.

Always, always, always dial in with WHO you want to serve so that you know WHO needs to go on your email list.

Quantity AND quality

The people who visit your website (“traffic”) are a crucial part of email growth, traffic quantity is essential, but the quality of your traffic is equally or maybe even MORE important than quantity.

I bet you don’t want just any random person who’s surfing the internet entering your website and joining your list. You want to attract the specific type of person who is going to be interested in what you have to say and the solutions your business offers.

Be specific

So, rather than thinking in terms of how to attract hundreds or thousands of people to your website each day, consider asking yourself these questions FIRST:

  • Who are my ideal clients that will benefit most from what I’m about to offer?
  • How can I really help them?
  • How am I going to get my content in front of them?

OK, now you’ve sorted out who it is that you want to attract and fill your emaillist with, now it’s time to consider these 3 must-do’s:

  • Create freebies
  • Sell them like a million dollar product
  • Drive traffic

1. Create freebies (Lead Magnets)

One of the best and popular ways to start growing your email list is to create several really good freebies. This is what we call “Lead magnets”. A lead magnet is a special offer of value that you promote to your audience in exchange for their contact (mainly their email address).

Now a lot of entrepreneurs already have something that they offer on the homepage that serves as a ‘lead magnet’ like the free ebook. But here’s the thing: If it doesn’t convert like crazy, it needs an update or replacement!

A good freebie is a piece of valuable content containing a small amount of your message that you present to your ideal clients with the intention of creating a connection.

It’s the first date, the ‘cup of coffee’ so to speak. You’re not trying to get a heavy commitment at this point. People don’t know much about you. They’re willing to give you a chance, but at this stage they are only dipping a toe into the water. Give them a nice sensation!

The perfect freebie

Like I said: If it doesn’t convert like crazy, i.e. helps you grow your emaillist, it needs an update or replacement. The perfect freebie has four components: it’s short, actionable, goal oriented, and easy.

  • a short, actionable freebie will build momentum
  • an actionable, easy freebie will help progressing
  • an easy, goal oriented freebie will generate confidence
  • a short goal oriented freebie will create excitement

Here’s one of my popular freebies (so you can see a live example of what is working right now). Click the image to download!

  • it’s short (5 pages)
  • it’s easy to consume (pdf with an 8-point template)
  • it’s goal oriented (double your results over the next 90 days)
  • it’s actionable (create your marketing plan in 60 minutes or less)

More on freebies you can read my blogs:

2. Sell your freebies like a $$$$- product

Yes, it takes a LOT more effort to get someone’s email than the one sentence “Download my free [thing] now” on the pop-up that we’d rather click away! To have people understand the outrageous value of your freebie it needs to be pitched extensively, like it’s a super high ticket service or product. That should be your mindset: it’s worth 10M dollars, but they get it for free.

Create a solid landing page

That means you’ll be needing a landing page with attractive headings, images and commercial-style, persuasive content that explains why we should sign up and what precisely that juicy stuff is we’re going to get from you and what it will do for us. Keep in mind this single most important question that needs to be answered: “How will this thing improve my life?”

Here’s what you’d want to include in your landing page:

  • A headline
  • A secondary headline or subheading
  • A descriptive statement
  • Benefits in bullet points
  • An image of your freebie
  • Minimal form fields (two fields maximum)
  • A call to action
  • Social proof
  • A snippet about you and a picture

Most landing pages don’t work because they don’t include all these things. I’ll strongly recommend including everything listed above if you want an efficient and effective landing page.

Check out my landingingpage here: https://coachelleglobal.com/mgp/

3. Drive traffic to your freebies

OK. You’ve crafted high-quality, compelling freebies that will compel your prospective clients to take the next step with you, whether the next step is something more intense like signing up for a free webinar or booking a acquaintance call with you. You’ve created a great landing page that “sells” your freebie.

Now it is time to get eye balls on your freebies. How do you do that?

When it comes to building your email list, you need traffic. Traffic is the online marketing word for visitors to your website and you want as much of it as you can get.

The first thing you want to do is selecting your traffic source. There are three core channels you can choose from to get traffic (I know, it always looks like there are a 1,000 different ways, especially online. But really, there are just three ways to generate traffic!). Your job is to just choose which one is best for you.

Core traffic channels

You can do free marketing, you can do paid marketing, you can do partnership marketing.

Free marketing also known as content marketing.

Content marketing is really about authority. It’s identifying who your dream client is, creating great content for them, putting that content up on your website and send it around the world so to speak and then bringing those people back to your website to sign them up to be your client. 😀

Your website is where your content lives. Where the opportunity is to collect leads for your email list.

Content marketing is an awesome strategy to build your list. It’s a core part of my business an and it’s the primary strategy that I teach my clients.

I love content marketing because it positions you as the authority in your field.

The downside is that it’s relatively slow. It’s free, but it takes a while to build up content and to gain the traction you’re after. You’ll be needing a content marketing strategy and consistent implementation to get results.

Paid marketing

Paid marketing is about running ads to your freebie. It works wonderfully to build your email list, because it’s so fast and completely measurable.

With paid marketing and ads you can create a freebie in the morning, set up your ad in the afternoon and see leads coming in the next morning. Also it’s great to test and learn right away which messages and images work and which don’t.

The downside of paid marketing is obviously that you need a lot of skills to get it right and you need an extensive marketing budget. If you don’t know what you’re doing you’re likely about to waste a lot of time, energy and above all money on something that doesn’t work, because you don’t know how to make it work.

But if you do have the time to develop the skills and/or you have the budget either to run the ads or to outsource it to an agency if you don’t know how to do it yourself, then paid marketing by running ads is a perfect strategy to build your list quickly.

Partnership marketing

The third option to get traffic is partnership marketing where you team up with other people who already have the audience that you want and building a relationship with them.

These joint ventures are sometimes affiliate deals. Also you need to be either great in establishing relationships to gain partners and a certain credibility in the market because partners will be very cautious to exposing their list with your brand, business and services. But it can be a great way to get traffic to your freebie and build your list effortlessly.

So those are the three traffic sources and it’s your job to choose one and just go for it and bring qualified visitors to your website.

All you need to do now is to present those freebies to your website visitors. There are several methods for this to be done. Things like pop-ups, and hyperlinks, to name a few. The point is to grab people’s attention. Play with it, see what works for your website and audience.

After they opted-in, there obviously needs to be a funnel in place to convert the leads into clients. But that’s something to cover in my next articles. If you’d want to go ahead with it, contact me via info@coachelleglobal.com and we’ll set up a time to talk about your funnels.

So these are the three must-do’s to start growing your email list. Start working on it now.

One last tip…

My last tip is to be consistent. Always aim on growing your list. Always drive traffic to your freebie(s). That sounds like a no-brainer! Depending on how you are wired as a person and as an entrepreneur, being consistent is either easy for you or (very) hard.

But whatever it is the case for you, you have to focus on being consistent no matter what. That’s how you grow your list and grow your business.

When you get stopped, don’t dwell on it. Just start again a.s.a.p. Try to improve yourself and your actions. Plan ahead your days, put your activities on your calendar, plan everything and get help from your marketing coach, from accountability partners, your team.

You have to keep it up. So if you’ve been doing all of this consistently, well done! Take a break, enjoy your little wins and keep going.

If not, and you need some help: Let’s talk. I’m here to help you improve your marketing and get more dream clients. Click HERE or the image below to book a call with me.

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