The REAL power of blogging


If I would stand in front of a room with a 100 entrepreneurs and ask: How many of you think that blogging is important? I’d probably see about…well, let’s say 98 hands up in the air.

You would raise your hand too, right?

Almost everyone knows that blogging is important. And the majority of people think that the biggest reason why it’s so important is because it positions you as an expert.

And that’s totally true… But then again, so will speaking in public, writing for a publication or giving an interview. 🙄


Client attraction…

Here’s what I like you to know about blogging from a Marketing – or better from a client attraction point of view:

It’s important because it’s really an awesome, FREE way to get traffic, i.e. visitors to your website.

And you want people to get to your website, not so they can see your new beautiful head shot or new logo. No, because you have ‘free goodies’ on your website – like a free report or a free training- that can cause them to join your email list!

And as you may know, your email list is – next to a profitable customer base – one of the biggest assets that a business can have.


Your email list is your gold mine.

Because then you can ‘nurture’ those people with interesting, high value content.

And by nurturing them you can lead them through the critical process of ‘knowing, liking and trusting’ you.

It’s only when they get to trust you, that they might want to do business with you and become your client.

And THAT’s why blogging is so important. In the end it’s about traffic and the conversion of leads into clients.


How it works

👉 Put great content on your website

👉 Syndicate it around the world, on every platform where your audience is

👉 Bring those people back to your website and sign them up

👉 Nurture with high value content, campaign with high value offers

👉 Make it into a system


Sounds simple…Wwhy then is it still so difficult to blog REGULARLY?


Here’s why:

  • We tend to overanalyze things
  • We feel we have no real orhave no idea what to blog about every time
  • you feel you’re blogs are poorly written and not good enough

Am I right?

When writing a blog, do you stop to google on the topic, then rewrite what you wrote, thinking it sucks, start over again, changing the headline a 100 times, and then feeling discouraged and never finish that damn thing again?

Is that you too?

Here’s what helped me and what I teach my clients to blog regularly and get clients in the process.


  1. You need a mindset shift first.

Remember yourself that in business, it’s not about you. It’s about all those people that need to hear from you because they’re stuck. Some of them are in great pain, because their problem is really big. And they need specifically you because only you can solve their problem in the way you can do it. It’s your obligation to let them hear about you.

To me, that’s what Marketing is all about.

This mindset will give you a kick in the butt to get out there with your blogs. Perfect or imperfect as they are. Always remember: People need you!


  1. Write about what you already know.


Stop Googling, stop researching, stop worrying about the quality of your content. Because you my dear, are already an expert. You don’t have to do hours and hours of research. Everything you have done in your life until now, was preparing you for writing this blog post! You can do it with your eyes closed! Really.

So trust your experience, trust your knowledge, trust yourself and write about what you know. Share your knowledge, give people information and put that information in a context so they understand what you’re talking about.


  1. Write about topics that are real-life questions


Don’t make it hard on yourself by choosing those vague, conceptual topics because you think you need to impress someone. Write about solutions to the real problems. Give answers to the questions you get from people. Your own clients or questions you get from people who you talk to when networking. That is the most easiest thing to do and people love it. It’s as easy as that.


So dear, start again if you stopped blogging. Or when you’re already blogging: Take it to the next level. Make it a core part of your business. It will get you awesome results…


Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you grow your business:

1. Join the Business Breakthrough LAB on Facebook
It’s our Facebook community where heart-centered women entrepreneurs like you check in daily to get a 100% positive focus on their Marketing to go to the next level —

Click Here

2. Check out my free resources 
I regularly upload new free Marketing resources that help you to implement and increase the results of your Marketing. —

Click Here

3. Work with me privately
If you’d like to work directly with me to take your business to 10.000 EUR a month… just reply to this message and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details!


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