4 tips to start growing your emaillist


“If you don’t have an emaillist, you have no business.”

I forgot who said it, but it’s so true! It is essential that we GROW our emaillist. Cause if you don’t have a list or just a teen-weeny tiny one, we’ll keep on hustling our way around on social media, network groups and conferences trying to fill our calendar with appointments and making phone calls, instead of moving steadily toward your ultimate goal. We just have to open FACEBOOK and we see it all the time, right? People hustling all over the place. And we know how that feels: it’s…EXHAUSTING.

And you know it’s totally OK when you’re in your first years of business. It’s fun to get out there. But you know, the longer you stay in that hustling mode there will be a point at which you’re thinking: “Oh my gosh, this is so exhausting. There MUST be another way to get clients.”

Yes, luckily for you and me…there is. It’s actually called: email marketing. But for email marketing we need a list. Not any list. Preferrably a big, responsive list.

So my advice for all you lady CEO’s and marketers for that matter (yes, you too are a marketer 😊) is : if you’re asking yourself “what should be my primary focus in my business”: I would advice to FOCUS ON BUILDING YOUR EMAILLIST.

That is, If you don’t have a list or just a small one..

And… I KNOW YOU, because you’re thinking right now…: WELL HOW SHOULD I DO THAT? Here’s how to take action.



I have 4 steps or tips for you to start immediately.

Tip 1

Find out exactly who your target audience is and what they need to HEAR in order to become potential clients. Often what they need to hear is something about their desired transformation. Like YOU are eager to hear from ME how you transform from the exhausting hustling into a business that has Marketing systems and automations in place that bring in leads and grow your business even when you’re asleep, RIGHT? So find out what your client avatar needs to hear.

Tip 2

Determine the EXACT types of freebies (yes you’ll be needing more than one) you need to create in order to move your audience closer to the “buying line”. And then: make those freebies and get them out there!

Tip 3

Discover the subtle differences between building a list of just any “contacts” …you know… that don’t respond on anything you send and really are disengaged…compared to one full of high quality leads that convert into eager BUYERS that are ready to pay you – to work with you whenever you offer something. That’s something you really want to work on.

And step 4 … VERY IMPORTANT…


Create an email strategy with the right type of content that keeps your audience engaged AFTER they’ve opted in (instead of running off to see what else is out there – because that’s what were doing right). You have to capture their attention with high quality content.

So that is my Marketing tip for you: focus on building and growing your emaillist.

Ofcourse you don’t need to figure this out on your own. Because, to help you grow your list, starting RIGHT NOW I’ve created a free mini training and a 3-minutes worksheet to create all your irresistible freebies.


Don’t forget: if your goal is to grow your business…THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST.

Your turn…

Share below what your biggest obstacle is in growing your list…


Click here to download


  1. Beatrice on February 12, 2018 at 9:58 am

    Great reminder Sandra, it’s so much more fun to see you in a video then reading you! : – )

    • Sandra Fisser on February 12, 2018 at 10:04 pm

      Thank you so much, Beatrice!

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